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Mens Bible Study  

Every Thursday 6:30PM

Every week, men 18 years of age and older come together to study the Bible, learn from one another and are challenged and encouraged to live for something larger than themselves. A MMBC Men’s group offers straight talk and biblical truth built on the foundation of Jesus Christ.

As a group member, you will spend time in personal study of the Scriptures each week. On class night, you will join other men in a small-group discussion of the lesson and learn from a teaching leader how the truths of Scripture can be applied to daily life. 


Call In #3462487799| Participant ID# 7128738702| Password #032020

Women's Ministry Bible Study

Every Wednesday 6:00PM

Our Women’s Ministry exists to encourage growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ our Savior. Our prayer is that we would delight together in God's Word, be renewed and transformed through the study of the Scriptures, cherish and share the Gospel, equip women to serve Christ and others, and develop and strengthen intimate friendships with other women. Our goal is to please God, to know Him fully and to experience His freedom to fulfill His purposes for our lives. We know all of this is only possible by and because of God's grace and provision.

Call In #3462487799| Participant ID# 7128738702| Password #032020

Bible Study Tuesday 

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Every Tuesday 7PM

Every week the Macedonia Church of Galveston offers a wide range of classes and Bible study opportunities, each one intended to help you develop a greater knowledge of God and a deeper understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that these studies will better equip you to live out the calling of God in your life and to love and serve the world around you. Join us every Tuesday to study the word of God with us. 

Sunday Worship Live

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Every Sunday 8AM

Join us online every Sunday for your journey to spiritual growth. Our morning worship is engaging, interactive, and provide exposure to impactful, transformative Biblical principles. These will improve your life and your everyday walk as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom..." - Colossians 3:16 (NIV)

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