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Pastor Aubrey

Aubrey Wilford Colbert, born September 8, 1955, is a native Louisianan who grew up in Baton Rouge.  He is the son of the late John A. & Rose Reynolds Colbert, Sr. Upon graduation from high school, Pastor Colbert attended Texas Southern University obtaining his bachelor’s degree. While attending Texas Southern, Reverend Colbert connected with the Philadelphia Missionary Baptist Church in Houston under the leadership of the late Pastor I. S. Walker Sr. During this time Reverend Colbert (at that time Bro. Colbert) was able to experience God at a higher level causing him to gain a more intimate walk with Christ. Meanwhile God was dealing with Reverend Colbert in a way that would soon manifest. In June of 1984 under the leadership of Pastor Walker, Reverend Colbert stood before the Philadelphia Church to give his Testimonial Sermon thus beginning the journey of his powerful preaching ministry. Reverend Colbert then after united with the late Rev. Dr. A. Louis Patterson Jr. and the Mt. Corinth Missionary Baptist Church of Houston, Texas.  Additionally, Educationally, Reverend Colbert attended The College of Biblical Studies formerly (Houston Bible Institute), the L. K. Williams Institute at Bishop College, WHW Ministry Conference and Galveston College.


In October of 1986 Reverend Colbert was called to Pastor the St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church of Humble, Texas. He diligently served as pastor for 7 years, yet God was preparing him for his next season. During this time Pastor Colbert felt the urge from God to “Go to Galveston” and on March 21, 1993, the Macedonia church of Galveston called Reverend Colbert as their next Pastor. Under his leadership the Macedonia church has moved to higher heights. During his tenure the note on the T. J. Anderson building was paid in full completing the work of the then late Reverend T. J Anderson.  After much prayer God lead Pastor Colbert to launch a campaign that would expand the current church and move the ministry beyond the four walls of the sanctuary. The Capital Stewardship Campaign intitled “Vision to Victory” was launch in an effort to build an educational building to support the members’ need for Christian education and continued Spiritual growth.  As a result of Gods faithfulness and Pastor Colbert’s leadership, the A. W. Colbert Educational Building was constructed, debt free, and named in Pastor Colbert’s honor.  Moreover, in the year 2000 the Lord burdened Pastor Colbert's heart with the need and vision to provide a quality academic education for our youth through a Charter School.  Under the leadership of our Pastor a group of members consisting of educators and parents successfully completed a Twelfth Generation Charter School application with the State of Texas and Ambassadors Preparatory Academy (APA) was established in the December of 2005.  Throughout his pastorate, Pastor A. W. Colbert has sought to minister to the needs of the local congregation at the Macedonia church and to evangelize the lost in Galveston and the world over. With this goal in mind Pastor Colbert felt the need to do mission “At home and Abroad”. On October 1, 1999 Pastor Colbert and the Macedonia Church broke ground on the start of another church and in January of 2000 a group traveled to Haiti to dedicate the church thus the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church became “One Church in Two Locations”. 


Pastor Colbert is known across this country for his undeniable ability to exegete the word of God. While continuing to  be a “Preaching Pastor”, Pastor Colbert is a lifetime member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), he is a member of The Old Landmark District Association, The Texas State Missionary Baptist Convention, The National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc., The Galveston County Baptist  Association and the Baptist Minister Association of Galveston, Galveston County.  Pastor Colbert is the former Moderator of Old Landmark District Association. Presently, he is the Vice-President at Large and State Director of Christian Education of the Texas State Missionary Baptist Convention, and the Second-Vice President of the Baptist Ministers Association of Galveston.


Pastor Colbert is married to Dr. Linda K. Colbert. 


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