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About US



The "Donia" Experience

Then shall the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together; and appoint themselves one head.”

-Hosea 1:11

Realizing the need for a Church in the community and inspired by God, a band of Christian believers gathered together in His name in the year 1889. The Reverend Taylor was selected as leader and other members were:  Willie & Katie Jones; Amos & Annette Harper; Johnnie & Ella James; Charles & Betty Webber; James & Alice Ward; Hanna & Annie Jones; Mrs. William Wallace; Mattie Edwards; Mary Jane Cage; and Francis Lyons.  To this body was given the name MACEDONIA MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH.


Reverend Taylor served only a few months as the Pastor of the church and then resigned.  The officers of the Old Land Mark Association, hearing of the vacancy at the newly established church, supplied the pulpit with their District Missionary, Reverend A. Barbour, who, after a few months, was elected by the congregation as their Pastor.


At this time, the church had no permanent building, but was worshiping in a building located near the beach.  They moved from this building to a temporary structure, located at the southwest corner of 29th Street and Avenue M 1/2. This property was owned by Bro. Amos Harper. Although few in number, but having a mind to work, they erected a beautiful edifice on this spot before 1900, but the 1900 storm destroyed the building. The members did not become discouraged, but with a spirit of cooperation, steadfast hope, a mind to work and unquestionable faith in God, erected the present structure.


After the death of Reverend A. Barbour, his son, the Reverend Russell C. Barbour, was called to be the Pastor of this great Church. He served untiringly for eight years, from 1921 to 1929, and then accepted a call to the Pastorate of the First Baptist Church, Nashville, Tennessee. During the period from 1929 to 1955, the following Ministers gave leadership to the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church: Reverend Matthews; Reverend J. W. Clark; Reverend J. D. Taylor; Reverend R. D. Davis; and Reverend G. W. Hester.


In 1955, the church called the Reverend T. J. Anderson to serve as Pastor.  In June of that year Reverend Anderson left St. Matthew Baptist Church of Houston, Texas and accepted the Pastorate.  In 1961 the interior of the church was completely remodeled by the W. C. White Construction Company of San Antonio, Texas.  


Reverend Anderson carried on the rich legacy established by the other Ministers before him. He was known for his desire to educate God’s people. As a result of that, the T.J. Anderson Education Building was constructed in 1992 to provide space for classrooms and other activities. The building was dedicated April 26, 1992.  Later on, that year Reverend Anderson decided to retire after serving as Pastor for 37 years (from 1955 to 1992). 


In March 1993, the church called Reverend A. Wilford Colbert as Pastor. Under his leadership the note on the T. J. Anderson building was paid in full. In addition, the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church participated in a Capital Stewardship Campaign called “Vision to Victory” to build an educational building to support the members’ need for Christian education and continued spiritual growth. As a result, the A. W. Colbert Education Building was built, debt free, and named in Pastor Colbert’s honor.  Moreover, the Lord burdened Pastor Colbert's heart with the need and vision to provide a quality academic education for our children through a Charter School.  Under the leadership of our Pastor a group of members consisting of educators and parents successfully completed a Twelfth Generation Charter School application with the State of Texas and Ambassadors Preparatory Academy was established in 2007. Throughout his pastorate, Pastor A. W. Colbert has sought to minister to the needs of the local congregation at Macedonia and to evangelize the lost in Galveston and the world over.


On September 13, 2008, Hurricane Ike hit Galveston and caused substantial damage to the church properties and most of the Island.  Since that time, our Sanctuary has been restored, along with the A. W. Colbert Building, and several properties have been purchased to support the growing needs of the Macedonia Baptist Church and Community at large.


For One Hundred and Thirty-One (131) years, the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church has served this community and stood as a beckoning light to all who would come and hear the glad tidings of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This church has stood for Kingdom Building, Missions and Christian Education throughout her history.  Her endeavors are not only known city-wide, but all over the state and nation.

We thank God for more than 130 years and pray God will continue to bless and use us to His Glory. 

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